

Chinese Numerals- Age

Chinese numerals can also be used to indicate the age .

For example :
Tā jīnnián suì
她 今年 28 岁。

She is 28 years old this year .

Chinese Numerals- Time

Like Arabic numbers , Chinese numerals are used to indicate the time or date .For example:

Exact time :
diǎn fēn
7点 20分

Date :
nián yuè rì
2011年 6月 7日

Day :


Chinese Interrogative Pronouns

There are 7 Chinese Interrogative Pronouns for New HSK Test Level One candidates to grasp . They are as follows :

shéi nǎr shénme duōshao jǐ zěnme zěnmeyàng
谁 哪儿 什么 多少 几 怎么 怎么样
who where what how much/many how many how how/how about

More relative topics :

Chinese Personal Pronouns
Chinese Demonstrative Pronouns

Chinse Demonstrative Pronouns

There are two Chinse Demonstrative Pronouns in total They are as follows:

zhè nà
这 那
this that

More related topics :

Chinese Personal pronouns

Chinese interrogative pronouns

Chinese personal pronouns

There are eight Chinese personal prnouns in total :

wǒ nǐ tā tā tā
我 你 他 她 它
I/me you he/him she/her it

wǒmen nǐmen tāmen
我们 你们 他们
we/us you they/them

See, the personal pronouns can works both as sunbjects and objects .

More related topics :

Chinese Demonstrative Pronouns

Chinese interrogative Pronouns

New HSK Grammar list Level One- Prorouns

Prouns are very important in Chinese language application ,and act as key points in New HSK Grammar list Level One . They are classified as follows :

1. Personal Pronouns

2. Demonstrative pronoun

3. Interrogative pronoun


Chinese Proficiency Test

Chinese Proficiency Test ,also known as Hanyushuipingkaoshi (New HSK Test), works as a criterion to evaluate Chinese learners' capability to apply Chinese in their daily life .

It was launched in 2009 to enhance the development of Chinese worldwide . Therefore
,Chinese Proficiency Test started to take place of the Old HSK then ,and it has proved that its popularity is going to attract a larger number of overseas foreign students to attend it as well as to get closer to more flexible Chinese application .