

New HSK Test Levels

New HSK Test written part is consists of New HSK Level 1 , Level 2 ,Level 3 , Level 4 ,Level5 as well as Level 6 .

New HSK Levels Listening Reading Writing Total Time
HSK – Level 1 15min 25min — 40min
HSK – Level 2 35min 25min — 60min
HSK – Level 3 35min 25min 15min 75min
HSK – Level 4 30min 35min 25min 90min
HSK – Level 5 30min 40min 40min 110min
HSK – Level 6 35min 45min 45min 125min

The oral test will be arranged separately.

a. HSK- Level 1
Designed for learners who can understand and use some simple Chinese to communicate, and prepares them for continuing their Chinese studies. The student has studied Chinese for one semester, 2-3 hours each week and knows approximately 150 words and the grammar connected to them.

b. HSK- Level 2
Designed for elementary learners who can use Chinese in a simple and direct manner, applying it in a basic fashion in their daily lives. The student has studied Chinese for two semester, 2-3 hours each week and knows approximately 300 words and the grammar connected to them.

c. HSK- Level 3
Designed for elementary-intermediate learners who can use Chinese to serve the demands of their personal lives, studies and work, and are capable of completing most of the communicative tasks they experience during their Chinese tour. The student has studied Chinese for three semesters, 2-3 hours each week and knows approximately 600 words and the grammar connected to them.

d. HSK- Level 4
Designed for intermediate learners who can discuss a relatively wide range of topics in Chinese and are capable of communicating with Chinese speakers at a high standard. The student has studied Chinese for four semesters, 2-4 hours each week and knows approximately 1200 words.

e. HSK- Level 5
Designed for learners who can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, watch Chinese films and are capable of writing and delivering a lengthy speech in Chinese. The student has studied Chinese for more than two years, 2-4 hours each week and knows approximately 2500 words.

f. HSK- Level 6
Designed for learners who can easily understand any information communicated in Chinese and are capable of smoothly expressing themselves in written or oral form. The student knows 5000 or more Chinese words.

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